Founder Spotlight
March 15, 2024
6 min read
Founder Spotlight: Elizabeth Li En Beh
Meet Elizabeth, a dedicated entrepreneur whose passion for improving social care has driven her to establish Tresacare. With a rich background as an HR & Business Consultant and personal experiences that have profoundly shaped her journey, Elizabeth’s mission is clear: to transform the lives of care workers by addressing the systemic challenges they face.

Meet Elizabeth, a dedicated entrepreneur whose passion for improving social care has driven her to establish Tresacare. With a rich background as an HR & Business Consultant and personal experiences that have profoundly shaped her journey, Elizabeth’s mission is clear: to transform the lives of care workers by addressing the systemic challenges they face.

Elizabeth’s entrepreneurial path wasn’t straightforward. It was illuminated by her own health crisis, which revealed the critical shortcomings in the care sector and sparked her determination to create meaningful change. This, coupled with her professional insights, highlighted the pervasive issues of high turnover, job dissatisfaction, and burnout among care workers.

Tresacare was born from Elizabeth’s vision of a better support system for those who dedicate their lives to caring for others.

Join us as we explore Elizabeth’s inspiring journey and the transformative impact of Tresacare on the social care landscape.

Elizabeth, tell us about Tresacare and what motivated you to start

Starting Tresacare was the result of my personal experiences, professional insights, and a strong desire to fill a major gap in social care. My path to entrepreneurship was shaped by key moments that highlighted the crucial, yet often overlooked, role of care workers in our society.

The real motivation came from my own health crisis, which made me dependent on the very system I later aimed to improve. This experience, along with my background as an HR & Business Consultant, made it clear that the issues care workers face — like high turnover, job dissatisfaction, and burnout — are systemic and deeply rooted in the social care sector.

The idea behind Tresacare was to do better for those who devote their lives to caring for others. Our goal is to create a platform that supports care workers holistically, focusing on both their professional development and their well-being. This dual focus sets Tresacare apart; it’s about valuing care workers as whole individuals and providing resources that help them excel in their roles while maintaining their own health and happiness.

What’ve been the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome in your entrepreneurial journey?

Navigating the entrepreneurial path with Tresacare has been a journey filled with both significant challenges and achievements. One of my biggest hurdles has been dealing with ongoing health issues and invisible disabilities. This personal struggle highlighted the crucial importance of founder well-being and the real risk of burnout — principles that are central to Tresacare’s mission.

The unpredictability of my health, including hospital visits and the uncertainty of when I might need to take sick leave, has been particularly tough. It emphasised the need for a strong, supportive team capable of carrying on Tresacare’s mission without relying solely on my daily involvement. This necessity not only showcases the resilience of the business but also embodies Tresacare’s commitment to caring for those who care for others.

My health journey has taught me valuable lessons about resilience, the importance of a supportive network, and the strength in admitting vulnerability. Just as we advocate for the well-being of care workers, I’ve learned the importance of prioritising my own health and well-being.

Is there anything you wish you’d known before starting up?

Embarking on Tresacare’s journey, I was brimming with enthusiasm and a clear vision for creating positive change within the social care sector. However, looking back, there are a couple of key insights I wish I had fully appreciated from the outset.

Firstly, the time it takes to build a social enterprise from the ground up genuinely took me by surprise. This journey is not a sprint; it’s more akin to a marathon, with its course filled with unexpected hurdles and longer stretches than anticipated. The dual focus of striving for social impact while ensuring financial viability adds layers of complexity, particularly in finding the right product-market fit and establishing a sustainable pricing model. This delicate balance between mission and margins is something I’ve had to navigate carefully.

Moreover, the significance of having a personal financial runway cannot be overstated. The reality of building a social business means preparing for a long haul, requiring not just passion and determination but also financial resilience to sustain both yourself and your venture through the lean periods. This aspect of entrepreneurship, especially in the social impact space, demands careful planning and a readiness to embrace the long-term commitment it entails.

What are some of the important milestones and recognitions in your journey so far?

Navigating the entrepreneurial path with Tresacare has been marked by significant milestones and recognitions, each contributing to our story of growth and impact. Among these, a few stand out as particularly significant.

Launching our Wellbeing Gym pilot programme was a pivotal moment. Seeing care workers genuinely benefit from our support and witnessing tangible improvements in their well-being and job satisfaction validated our mission. It wasn’t just about the numbers; it was about making a real, positive change in people’s lives.

Winning the Care Innovation Challenge 2023, organised by the Care Innovation Hub and National Care Forum, was a notable recognition of our efforts. This accolade affirmed the value of our solution in the eyes of industry experts and fuelled our passion and commitment to drive further innovation in the care sector.

Another milestone was the publication of our first Impact Report. Documenting the outcomes and testimonials from those we’ve supported, this report encapsulates the essence of Tresacare’s mission. It serves as a tangible reminder of the difference we’re making and a beacon for future directions.

I’m excited to share that Tresacare recently emerged as the Winner of the Entrepreneurs Award in Social Innovation. Winning EASI is truly transformative and means so much to us. The £10k grant will fund the development of our prototype app and allow us to conduct in-depth user research. This investment is crucial as we scale our operations, ensuring that we maintain our impact and effectiveness.

EASI24 Winner Elizabeth Beh, founder of Tresacare

Each of these milestones, coupled with the recognitions we’ve received, underscores the journey’s challenges and triumphs. They’re not just achievements; they’re stepping stones towards realising our vision of a care sector where workers feel valued, supported, and empowered to provide the best possible care.

Entrepreneurial communities can be such powerful support networks — do you have any asks or gives to the vine community?

As part of the supportive Foundervine community, I have one ask and one give to share:

My Ask: I’m seeking mentorship on achieving the perfect product-market fit for Tresacare, particularly from those experienced in the tech-for-good sector. If you can offer insights or guidance, it would greatly help us refine our services to better meet our users’ needs.

My Give: In return, I’d like to offer well-being workshops or resources to fellow entrepreneurs. Drawing on Tresacare’s Wellbeing Gym model, these sessions are designed to help manage stress and prevent burnout, supporting your well-being on this demanding entrepreneurial journey.

I believe in the power of mutual support within our community and look forward to both giving and receiving help as we all strive to make a meaningful impact.