Meet the team
September 4, 2024
4 min read
Introducing Cecil ✨
Introducing Cecil, COO of Foundervine

oundervine started in 2018 as a small group of founders that shared a passion for entrepreneurship and technology. This community has become an important place for founders to connect, learn, grow, and collaborate with each other.

As such we wanted to introduce you to members of our team so you can get to know who we are, what we do, and how we can help you on your journey.

So what’s your name?

Cecil Adjalo

What’s your role at Foundervine?

Technology Director, but that does not stop me from doing any and everything from stacking chairs after events to arranging new strategic initiatives and programmes.

How long have you been with the team and what caused you to join?

Since it started in 2017 it was an idea just materialising. At the time I was looking for something to dedicate some volunteering time to. I believe everybody should do something, it does not matter how small, to help other people. I was captivated by the vision that Izzy Obeng presented and the idea of being a part of creating an ecosystem of entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds. Your network of connections is an extremely valuable resource and I thought I would be able to apply my skills and talents productively whilst building a bigger network.

When you are not with Foundervine, what do you do?

I am a happy husband and father of one — this role takes up a lot of time and brings a lot of joy. I am also an Executive Partner at Hiberus Technology which is a technology consultancy and software development business headquartered in Spain. It has 900+ employees and 16 global offices and works with the likes of Santander, Interflora and IAG (the parent company of British Airways). I spend my days looking after various technology projects, building relationships with partners, and bringing in new business internationally. It’s a lot of hard work!!

Any side hustles? What are the key things you want the Foundervine Community to know about you?

I am the Stormzy of Data & Analytics (lol!) and love a good Excel spreadsheet and dashboard! I have been building a task management and life organisation app in my spare time for the past 10 years, it organises my life and eliminates a lot of worry in my daily schedules and priorities. That’s as “side hustle” as it gets! Oh, and I am also a Director in a resort in Ada, Ghana 🇬🇭, called Maks Resort — you are welcome to come and stay if you are in that part of the world.

The beautiful Maks Resort in Ada, Ghana

What’s your plan for the next 5 years?

Grow Foundervine globally. Grow Hiberus by delivering quality projects and establishing the right partnerships. Most importantly, raise my son to be the best person he can be.

The biggest myth in business is….

You need loads of money, an MBA, and office space. The world has changed dramatically over the last couple of decades and the opportunities for young people starting businesses have never been better. The knowledge of how to build a business from scratch has never been more available. It has come to the point where I believe that the real barriers to entry are often times more mental than physical. You can start a side hustle in your bedroom, focusing on a targeted set of customers who will pay you for something that they are really interested in that the majority of the population may not take an interest in. 15 years ago, this would have been unimaginable.

Cecil @ SU54:SLIC

We’re building the greatest and most diverse community of digitally enabled businesses globally. Our plan over the next five years is to continue to grow a community just for you — one that connects you to people, networks, and knowledge that you need to grow a successful venture. We look forward to you joining the Foundervine Community. Sign up for our newsletter here!